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Hello and welcome to the school page, here you will find lots of usefull information about the school, teachers, times of opening, holidays ect:

Reports for Witton Gilbert Primary School

Witton Gilbert Primary School League Tables 2003
Witton Gilbert Primary School Ofsted Report

Parents who have children reaching school age for September 2005 onwards need to register them for school as soon as possible. Please pass the word around.

***Please DO NOT make plans to remove your child during the period MAY 4th - 21st 2004 when important assessments take place especially for pupils in Y2 and Y6. Thank You.***

I would like to put photos of the children on here so that in years to come they can look back on their school days and friends, end of year, sports days and school excursions, however, some parents may not want their childs face shown on the site, so I will with the help of Mrs Carr Head Teacher be putting together a slip to be given out to pupils to take home for you to sign saying yes or no to your child or children having their face shown, a photo will still be shown but the childs face will be obscured, however I will keep a copy so that at a later date if you want to reverse this it can be done or if the child upon reaching 18 or 79 wants to see what they looked like back then they can do so if you see what I mean:

School Holidays

Holiday Name

Breaks up on (PM)

Back to school on (AM)

Spring Half Term

Fri. 13th February

Mon. 23rd February


Fri. 2nd April

Tues. 20th April

May Day

Fri. 30th April

Tues. 4th May

Summer Half Term

Fri. 28th May

Mon. 7th June


Fri. 16th July

Wed. 1st September

After School Activities





3:15 p.m. - 4:0 p.m.

Choir for Junior Dept (Starting Week Beg. 29th Sept.)


3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Football (All Children must wear shin pads.)


4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Y5 & Y6 Guitar Lessons

Family Holidays in School Time
Please try to remember that although holidays in school time are cheaper, your child's education is priceless. The school does not have to agree to absence for a holiday, althought we have the power to do so. Request will be considered on an individual basis. More than 10 days in a school year cannot be legally authorised unless there are really exceptional circumstances and holidays planned for May will be classified as unauthorised. Parents are asked to return a holiday form, available from the office, at least 2 weeks prior to the intended holiday.
Living Literacy Week

The Book Fair will also operate on the evenings of Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th of March from 3:15 - 4:00 p.m.
This year we plan to hold a "Character Day" on Wednesday 3rd of March when children can either dress themselves or their favourite toy/teddy as a book character.




Mon 1st Mar

1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.


Tues 2nd Mar

1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Miss Sanderson (Y1)

Wed 3rd Mar

11:00 a.m. - 11:045 a.m.

Mr Wilson (Y 5&6)

Wed 3rd Mar

1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Mrs Curry (Y 3&4)

Thursday 4th Mar

11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.


Thursday 4th Mar

1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Mrs Davis (Y2)

Thursday 4th Mar

2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.


Homework Club

This will be started after half term for some Y2 & Y6 children on a Tuesday evening. Tou will be notified if your child is required to stay.

French Visit

Some Y5 & 6 children will be staying in a small French village during our Home and a Way week - June 14th - 18th.

Annual Tests - May 4th - 21st 2004

A Formal Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th February in the School Hall, which gives interested parents of children in all year groups the oppertunity to find out more about what testing and assessment actually mean to our children.

Birthday Assemblies This Term

These mark pupil birthdays on a monthly basis, as lasy year starting at 10:15 a.m.

Infant assembly takes place in the Early Years Base and Junior assembly in the school hall.

A programme of further after school activities is being pursued. Please check back.

Pre School

Witton Gilber Pre-school Ofsted Report

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